Thursday, 7 July 2011

Today : Big slime attack at the Old Harbour!!!

Hello again everyone!!! Sorry that I didn't write anything in the last few weeks... 

Anyways, today, when there are 20 Pandas at the old Harbour they all get slimed!!! Better not have your best clothes on ;-)
I'm not going to write so much today so I'll just finish off with a photo :
You can see that I'm the one with a red circle around me and theres a big red arrow saying me you can't miss it.

Paws up for Panfu 


P.S. : There will be someone I would like you to meet in a few days.
P.P.S. : Tomorrow is Gold Panda day. 

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Unicorn Cometition? WOW!!!

Hey readers,
Have you heard that there was a big unicorn saddle competition? It was great fun, I was one of the winners. (I don't want to show off but I but I usually win) Anyway, do you want to see my picture? It was a drawing competition. Here's my picture :
I was so glad when I read the Panfu blog and found out about it!!! If you want to see the results, 
click here .
If you want to see the unicorns home and me riding it, look at the following pictures :
The home of the unicorn : The eerie forest. It's quite a scary place to be but the clever and the brave will survive it.
I hope you don't get too scared lol!!! 

And this is the picture where I ride the unicorn!!! It's really a lot of fun. I hope you guys get to win a competition like this sometime. Good luck!!
Paws up for Panfu,


Saturday, 16 April 2011

The Circus has arrived at Panfu!!!

I have some great news for you : the circus has finally arrived at Panfu!!! Isn't that great? Do you want to see it? I bet you do so here it is :
 What I'm saying in the picture is very true. The Circus really is a sensation. But the Problem is that everything in it is going wrong... The monkey can't juggle anymore, the Panda can't... But why am I saying all this? Why don't you just watch it yourself? I bet that you'll get some laughs if you enter this link and watch the video  : 
 Have fun watching it!!

Paws up for Panfu


P.S. : For my finnish readers there will now always be a copy of the post in finnish!!!

Minulla on hyviä uutisia sinulle: sirkus on vihdoin saapunut Panfu! Eikö olekin hienoa? Haluatko nähdä sen? Lyön vetoa, niin tässä se on:
 Mitä minä sanon kuvassa on aivan totta. Circus on todella tunne. Mutta ongelmana on, että kaikki on pielessä ... apina ei voi pallotella enää Panda ei voi ... Mutta miksi puhun kaikesta tästä? Miksi et vain katsella sitä itse? Lyön vetoa, että saat nauramaan, jos annat linkki ja katso video: 
Hauskaa on katsella!


Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Other blogs

Hey guys, 

I would like to inform you about other cool blogs like the panfu original and my friends Panfu in finnish!!! 
The adresses are :

Have fun reading these blogs!!!

Paws up for Panfu


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

My Friend and me

Part 1

Today I went to the caribbean beach, here's a screen photo :

I'm the one waving but I bet you know that by now, my friend is the one standing next to me. That's all for now.

Paws up for Panfu!


P.S. : Dr.Feelfood is doing a fundraiser in the city for the poor children in Japan.

Part 2

Today I met my friend at the pool, here's a screen photo :

We decided to call ourselves the waving palls because we wave to every photo.

Paws up for Panfu!


P.S. : Part 3 is following

Friday, 11 March 2011

The Charecters

Hello everyone, this entry is all about the Pandas on Panfu you should always respect. They are the makers of Panfu and here they are :
 I will tell you the names:                 Max           Kamaria               Ella   
You must always respect these Pandas for they made the page. Anyway, I bet you haven't heard of the curious Panda sitting on the beach. His name is D... No, I shouldn't say it, you should find out later. Anyway, I'll tell you some time soon, here he is with me at his side :
You should watch out, he may come from Bitterland (the evil Island that collided with Panfu a few weeks ago). That's it for today.

Paws up for Panfu!!!


P.S. : If your profile turns grey that means your gold package has ended.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The Panfu Cave

You can only enter the Panfu cave when you are on level three. In the cave you find a suprise masheen that gives you a present once every week. There is olso a level booster that boosts your level once every week (Day Unknown) :-) Here is a photo of the level booster :) :
 I'm playing a spy, you can see that I'm asleep because of the 'Z' coming from my head. That's all for now.

Paws up for Panfu!!!


P.S. : Today is Pancake Day!!!